With respect for your privacy

BattMobility treats your personal data with respect for your privacy

We follow the General Data Protection Regulation (also known as General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR) for this purpose. Because we feel that the protection of your privacy and the protection of your personal data is very important. With this privacy statement, we want to explain to you how we handle your data. Purchasing our products and/or using our services, including our websites, constitutes your consent to our Privacy Policy, which may be amended from time to time. Changes will automatically take effect upon publication. Applicable laws and regulations:

  • The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC;
  • The law of July 30, 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.

Collection, recording and processing of data

BattMobility collects, records and processes personal data of its customers and users of its services. Personal data is any data that allows BattMobility to recognize you, directly or indirectly. With your name or national registration number, we know immediately (directly) that it is you, but also with a combination of your address, age and gender (indirectly) we can recognize you. So personal data is any data that we can somehow link to you, such as email address, phone number or even IP address (the Internet address of your computer). Other data is collected in an automated way by "cookies" and other systems/applications (e.g., Google Analytics) that collect information (such as IP address, site usage, browser language and type, etc.). BattMobility is the controller of the processing of personal data collected through the website and/or other channels and controls the processing performed by other parties at its request.

Use of your data

You guarantee that the information you communicate is accurate and complete. Communicating incorrect data or data belonging to third parties may result in the user being denied, temporarily or permanently, any access, in whole or in part, to BattMobility's products and services. We may use your information to contact you directly, by mail, telephone or electronically, such as via e-mail or SMS. When communicating by electronic means, you have the option to opt out of future electronic communications. Your data (with the exception of sensitive data such as political and religious beliefs, etc.) may be used for the sale and promotion of products and services and to keep you informed of offers from BattMobility (new vehicles, new formulas, market studies, promotions, contests, personalized information and promotional campaigns on products, services and others) and partners. Personal information such as name, first name, street, house number, bus number, zip code, city, phone number may be passed on to other companies. Your e-mail address will only be passed on with permission. BattMobility is in no way liable for the use of your data by third parties. For example, BattMobility's websites may contain links to third-party websites or advertisements from third-party advertisers through which your personal information is collected. This collection and processing of data is not the responsibility of BattMobility, but the responsibility of the relevant advertiser or operator of the website in question to which you are accessing.

Inspection and correction of data

BattMobility will not retain your data longer than permitted by law and, in any event, no longer than necessary for the purposes stated herein. You can always obtain the right to access, correct, delete and object, free of charge, to the processing and transfer of your data at info@battmobility.com.

Integrated services

Google G-Suite BattMobility uses Google G-Suite for email, calendar, contacts and temporary document storage. Google is in compliance with GDPR guidelines. Hubspot CRM BattMobility uses Hubspot as its crm system for email, calendar, contacts and temporary document storage.

Questions? Book a meeting with a sales associate

Want to know more about our formulas or desire an offer tailored to your business? Our mobility experts are happy to advise and assist you.

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